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2018年4月28日 @ 15:00 - 17:00
This post is also available in: English
- 2018年4月28日(土)15:00~17:00
◆報告:”Poetry as impersonal expression: the relationship between poetry and life in contemporary Iran”
報告者: セトラック・マヌーキアーン氏(マッギル大学)
- 報告要旨:By discussing my conversations with two Shirazi poets, I look at how in Iran normative expectations about poetry cultivated in contexts such as poetic gatherings, are turned into an existential ground, and reflect on how poetic and affective language are sublimated into each other. In different if not opposite ways the relationship that the two poets establish between their verses and their lives suggest that verses are supposed to embody the experiences of an affective subject and stand as its “true” and ultimate expression. Such expression however is not, as one would be prone to assume, the declination of a specific subjectivity, but rather a movement for undoing the tension between law and desire that is so pervasive in contemporary Iran, as possibly elsewhere.
- 英語(通訳なし)、参加自由、事前登録不要
- 連絡先:kenjikuroda(at)idc.minpaku.ac.jp
- 国立民族学博物館、東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 中東イスラーム研究拠点(人間文化研究機構「現代中東地域研究」事業)